CompTIA Security+ Question L-38

Encryption used by RADIUS is BEST described as:

A. Quantum
B. Elliptical curve
C. Asymmetric
D. Symmetric

Answer: D

The RADIUS server uses a symmetric encryption method. Note: Symmetric algorithms require both ends of an encrypted message to have the same key and processing algorithms. Symmetric algorithms generate a secret key that must be protected.

CompTIA Security+ Question L-36

Which of the following types of attacks involves interception of authentication traffic in an attempt to gain unauthorized access to a wireless network?

A. Near field communication
B. IV attack
C. Evil twin
D. Replay attack

Answer: B

An initialization vector is a random number used in combination with a secret key as a means to encrypt data. This number is sometimes referred to as a nonce, or “number occurring once,” as an encryption program uses it only once per session. An initialization vector is used to avoid repetition during the data encryption process, making it impossible for hackers who use dictionary attack to decrypt the exchanged encrypted message by discovering a pattern. This is known as an IV attack. A particular binary sequence may be repeated more than once in a message, and the more it appears, the more the encryption method is discoverable. For example if a one-letter word exists in a message, it may be either “a” or “I” but it can’t be “e” because the word “e” is non-sensical in English, while “a” has a meaning and “I” has a meaning. Repeating the words and letters makes it possible for software to apply a dictionary and discover the binary sequence corresponding to each letter. Using an initialization vector changes the binary sequence corresponding to each letter, enabling the letter “a” to be represented by a particular sequence in the first instance, and then represented by a completely different binary sequence in the second instance.

WEP (Wireless Equivalent Privacy) is vulnerable to an IV attack. Because RC4 is a stream cipher, the same traffic key must never be used twice. The purpose of an IV, which is transmitted as plain text, is to prevent any repetition, but a 24-bit IV is not long enough to ensure this on a busy network. The way the IV was used also opened WEP to a related key attack. For a 24-bit IV, there is a 50% probability the same IV will repeat after 5000 packets.

CompTIA Security+ Question J-55

In order to securely communicate using PGP, the sender of an email must do which of the following when sending an email to a recipient for the first time?

A. Import the recipient’s public key
B. Import the recipient’s private key
C. Export the sender’s private key
D. Export the sender’s public key

Answer: A

See step 4 below.


When a user encrypts plaintext with PGP, PGP first compresses the plaintext.


PGP then creates a session key, which is a one-time-only secret key.


This session key works with a very secure, fast conventional encryption algorithm to encrypt the plaintext; the result is ciphertext.


Once the data is encrypted, the session key is then encrypted to the recipient’s public key. This public key-encrypted session key is transmitted along with the ciphertext to the recipient.

CompTIA Security+ Question I-24

Which of the following is a concern when encrypting wireless data with WEP?

A. WEP displays the plain text entire key when wireless packet captures are reassembled
B. WEP implements weak initialization vectors for key transmission
C. WEP uses a very weak encryption algorithm
D. WEP allows for only four pre-shared keys to be configured

Answer: B

The initialization vector (IV) that WEP uses for encryption is 24-bit, which is quite weak and means that IVs are reused with the same key. By examining the repeating result, it was easy for attackers to crack the WEP secret key. This is known as an IV attack.

CompTIA Security+ Question I-14

When confidentiality is the primary concern, and a secure channel for key exchange is not available, which of the following should be used for transmitting company documents?

A. Digital Signature
B. Symmetric
C. Asymmetric
D. Hashing

Answer: C

Asymmetric algorithms use two keys to encrypt and decrypt data. These asymmetric keys are referred to as the public key and the private key. Asymmetric algorithms do not require a secure channel for the initial exchange of secret keys between the parties.

CompTIA Security+ Question I-1

Ann would like to forward some Personal Identifiable Information to her HR department by email, but she is worried about the confidentiality of the information. Which of the following will accomplish this task securely?

A. Digital Signatures
B. Hashing
C. Secret Key
D. Encryption

Answer: D

Encryption is used to prevent unauthorized users from accessing data. Data encryption will support the confidentiality of the email.

CompTIA Security+ Question F-2

When using PGP, which of the following should the end user protect from compromise? (Select TWO).

A. Private key
B. CRL details
C. Public key
D. Key password
E. Key escrow
F. Recovery agent

Answer: A,D

A: In PGP only the private key belonging to the receiver can decrypt the session key. PGP combines symmetric-key encryption and public-key encryption. The message is encrypted using a symmetric encryption algorithm, which requires a symmetric key. Each symmetric key is used only once and is also called a session key.

D: PGP uses a passphrase to encrypt your private key on your machine. Your private key is encrypted on your disk using a hash of your passphrase as the secret key. You use the passphrase to decrypt and use your private key.

CompTIA Security+ Question E-95

A security technician is attempting to access a wireless network protected with WEP. The technician does not know any information about the network. Which of the following should the technician do to gather information about the configuration of the wireless network?

A. Spoof the MAC address of an observed wireless network client
B. Ping the access point to discover the SSID of the network
C. Perform a dictionary attack on the access point to enumerate the WEP key
D. Capture client to access point disassociation packets to replay on the local PC’s loopback

Answer: A

With ARP spoofing (also known as ARP poisoning), the MAC (Media Access Control) address of the data is faked. By faking this value, it is possible to make it look as if the data came from a network that it did not. This can be used to gain access to the network, to fool the router into sending data here that was intended for another host, or to launch a DoS attack. In all cases, the address being faked is an address of a legitimate user, and that makes it possible to get around such measures as allow/deny lists. Note: As an example, the initialization vector (IV) that WEP uses for encryption is 24-bit, which is quite weak and means that IVs are reused with the same key. By examining the repeating result, it was easy for attackers to crack the WEP secret key. This is known as an IV attack.

CompTIA Security+ Question D-39

Which of the following uses both a public and private key?

C. MD5

Answer: A

The RSA algorithm is an early public-key encryption system that uses large integers as the basis for the process. RSA uses both a public key and a secret. RSA key generation process:


Generate two large random primes, p and q, of approximately equal size such that their product, n = pq, is of the required bit length (such as 2048 bits, 4096 bits, and so forth). Let n = pq Let m = (p-1)(q-1)


Choose a small number e, co-prime to m (note: Two numbers are co-prime if they have no common factors).


Find d, such that de % m = 1


Publish e and n as the public key. Keep d and n as the secret key.