CompTIA Security+ Question E-59

Speaking a passphrase into a voice print analyzer is an example of which of the following security concepts?

A. Two factor authentication
B. Identification and authorization
C. Single sign-on
D. Single factor authentication

Answer: A

Two-factor authentication is when two different authentication factors are provided for authentication purposes. Speaking (Voice) – something they are. Passphrase – something they know.

CompTIA Security+ Question D-96

In Kerberos, the Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) is used for which of the following?

A. Identification
B. Authorization
C. Authentication
D. Multifactor authentication

Answer: C

An authentication ticket, also known as a ticket-granting ticket (TGT), is a small amount of encrypted data that is issued by a server in the Kerberos authentication model to begin the authentication process. When the client receives an authentication ticket, the client sends the ticket back to the server along with additional information verifying the client’s identity. The server then issues a service ticket and a session key (which includes a form of password), completing the authorization process for that session. In the Kerberos model, all tickets are time-stamped and have limited lifetimes. This minimizes the danger that hackers will be able to steal or crack the encrypted data and use it to compromise the system. Ideally, no authentication ticket remains valid for longer than the time an expert hacker would need to crack the encryption. Authentication tickets are session-specific, further improving the security of the system by ensuring that no authentication ticket remains valid after a given session is complete.

CompTIA Security+ Question D-90

Which of the following is BEST utilized to actively test security controls on a particular system?

A. Port scanning
B. Penetration test
C. Vulnerability scanning
D. Grey/Gray box

Answer: B

Penetration testing is the most intrusive type of testing because you are actively trying to circumvent the system’s security controls to gain access to the system. Penetration testing (also called pen testing) is the practice of testing a computer system, network or Web application to find vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit. Pen tests can be automated with software applications or they can be performed manually. Either way, the process includes gathering information about the target before the test (reconnaissance), identifying possible entry points, attempting to break in (either virtually or for real) and reporting back the findings. The main objective of penetration testing is to determine security weaknesses. A pen test can also be used to test an organization’s security policy compliance, its employees’ security awareness and the organization’s ability to identify and respond to security incidents. Penetration tests are sometimes called white hat attacks because in a pen test, the good guys are attempting to break in.

Pen test strategies include:

Targeted testing Targeted testing is performed by the organization’s IT team and the penetration testing team working together. It’s sometimes referred to as a “lights-turned-on” approach because everyone can see the test being carried out.

External testing This type of pen test targets a company’s externally visible servers or devices including domain name servers (DNS), e-mail servers, Web servers or firewalls. The objective is to find out if an outside attacker can get in and how far they can get in once they’ve gained access.

Internal testing This test mimics an inside attack behind the firewall by an authorized user with standard access privileges. This kind of test is useful for estimating how much damage a disgruntled employee could cause.

Blind testing A blind test strategy simulates the actions and procedures of a real attacker by severely limiting the information given to the person or team that’s performing the test beforehand. Typically, they may only be given the name of the company. Because this type of test can require a considerable amount of time for reconnaissance, it can be expensive.

Double blind testing Double blind testing takes the blind test and carries it a step further. In this type of pen test, only one or two people within the organization might be aware a test is being conducted. Double-blind tests can be useful for testing an organization’s security monitoring and incident identification as well as its response procedures.

CompTIA Security+ Question D-81

Which of the following assessments would Peter, the security administrator, use to actively test that an application’s security controls are in place?

A. Code review
B. Penetration test
C. Protocol analyzer
D. Vulnerability scan

Answer: B

Penetration testing (also called pen testing) is the practice of testing a computer system, network or Web application to find vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit. Pen tests can be automated with software applications or they can be performed manually. Either way, the process includes gathering information about the target before the test (reconnaissance), identifying possible entry points, attempting to break in (either virtually or for real) and reporting

back the findings. The main objective of penetration testing is to determine security weaknesses. A pen test can also be used to test an organization’s security policy compliance, its employees’ security awareness and the organization’s ability to identify and respond to security incidents. Penetration tests are sometimes called white hat attacks because in a pen test, the good guys are attempting to break in.

Pen test strategies include:

Targeted testing Targeted testing is performed by the organization’s IT team and the penetration testing team working together. It’s sometimes referred to as a “lights-turned-on” approach because everyone can see the test being carried out.

External testing This type of pen test targets a company’s externally visible servers or devices including domain name servers (DNS), e-mail servers, Web servers or firewalls. The objective is to find out if an outside attacker can get in and how far they can get in once they’ve gained access.

Internal testing This test mimics an inside attack behind the firewall by an authorized user with standard access privileges. This kind of test is useful for estimating how much damage a disgruntled employee could cause.

Blind testing A blind test strategy simulates the actions and procedures of a real attacker by severely limiting the information given to the person or team that’s performing the test beforehand. Typically, they may only be given the name of the company. Because this type of test can require a considerable amount of time for reconnaissance, it can be expensive.

Double blind testing Double blind testing takes the blind test and carries it a step further. In this type of pen test, only one or two people within the organization might be aware a test is being conducted. Double-blind tests can be useful for testing an organization’s security monitoring and incident identification as well as its response procedures.

CompTIA Security+ Question D-77

The helpdesk reports increased calls from clients reporting spikes in malware infections on their systems. Which of the following phases of incident response is MOST appropriate as a FIRST response?

A. Recovery
B. Follow-up
C. Validation
D. Identification
E. Eradication
F. Containment

Answer: D

To be able to respond to the incident of malware infection you need to know what type of malware was used since there are many types of malware around. This makes identification critical in this case.

CompTIA Security+ Question C-14

A company’s legacy server requires administration using Telnet. Which of the following protocols could be used to secure communication by offering encryption at a lower OSI layer? (Select TWO).

A. IPv6
C. IPSec
E. IPv4

Answer: A,C

Telnet supports IPv6 connections. IPv6 is the communications protocol that provides an identification and location system for computers on networks and routes traffic across the Internet. IPsec is a protocol suite for securing Internet Protocol (IP) communications by authenticating and encrypting each IP packet of a communication session. IPsec is a compulsory component for IPv6.

IPsec operates at Layer 3 of the OSI model, whereas Telnet operates at Layer 7.

CompTIA Security+ Question C-12

When performing the daily review of the system vulnerability scans of the network Peter, the administrator, noticed several security related vulnerabilities with an assigned vulnerability identification number. Peter researches the assigned vulnerability identification number from the vendor website. Peter proceeds with applying the recommended solution for identified vulnerability.
Which of the following is the type of vulnerability described?

A. Network based
C. Signature based
D. Host based

Answer: C

A signature-based monitoring or detection method relies on a database of signatures or patterns of known malicious or unwanted activity. The strength of a signature-based system is that it can quickly and accurately detect any event from its database of signatures.

CompTIA Security+ Question B-63

Which of the following incident response plan steps would MOST likely engaging business professionals with the security team to discuss changes to existing procedures?

A. Recovery
B. Incident identification
C. Isolation / quarantine
D. Lessons learned
E. Reporting

Answer: D

CompTIA Security+ Question B-59

During which of the following phases of the Incident Response process should a security administrator define and implement general defense against malware?

A. Lessons Learned
B. Preparation
C. Eradication
D. Identification

Answer: B

Incident response procedures involves: Preparation; Incident identification; Escalation and notification; Mitigation steps; Lessons learned; Reporting; Recover/reconstitution procedures; First responder; Incident isolation (Quarantine; Device removal); Data breach; Damage and loss control. It is important to stop malware before it ever gets hold of a system –thus you should know which malware is out there and take defensive measures – this means preparation to guard against malware infection should be done.

CompTIA Security+ Question B-40

A user ID and password together provide which of the following?

A. Authorization
B. Auditing
C. Authentication
D. Identification

Answer: C

Authentication generally requires one or more of the following: Something you know: a password, code, PIN, combination, or secret phrase. Something you have: a smart card, token device, or key. Something you are: a fingerprint, a retina scan, or voice recognition; often referred to as biometrics, discussed later in this chapter. Somewhere you are: a physical or logical location. Something you do: typing rhythm, a secret handshake, or a private knock.