CompTIA Security+ Question K-47

Which of the following devices is used for the transparent security inspection of network traffic by redirecting user packets prior to sending the packets to the intended destination?

A. Proxies
B. Load balancers
C. Protocol analyzer
D. VPN concentrator

Answer: A

A proxy is a device that acts on behalf of other(s). A commonly used proxy in computer networks is a web proxy. Web proxy functionality is often combined into a proxy firewall.

A proxy firewall can be thought of as an intermediary between your network and any other network. Proxy firewalls are used to process requests from an outside network; the proxy firewall examines the data and makes rule-based decisions about whether the request should be forwarded or refused. The proxy intercepts all of the packets and reprocesses them for use internally. This process includes hiding IP addresses. The proxy firewall provides better security than packet filtering because of the increased intelligence that a proxy firewall offers. Requests from internal network users are routed through the proxy. The proxy, in turn, repackages the request and sends it along, thereby isolating the user from the external network. The proxy can also offer caching, should the same request be made again, and it can increase the efficiency of data delivery.

CompTIA Security+ Question I-55

Peter, the system administrator, wishes to monitor and limit users’ access to external websites.
Which of the following would BEST address this?

A. Block all traffic on port 80.
B. Implement NIDS.
C. Use server load balancers.
D. Install a proxy server.

Answer: D

A proxy is a device that acts on behalf of other(s). In the interest of security, all internal user interaction with the Internet should be controlled through a proxy server. The proxy server should automatically block known malicious sites. The proxy server should cache often-accessed sites to improve performance.