Administrative share names are MOST commonly designated by which of the following symbols?
A. !
B. $
C. :
D. *
CompTIA exam questions
Administrative share names are MOST commonly designated by which of the following symbols?
A. !
B. $
C. :
D. *
The shared folder named C$ is an example of which of the following?
A. Local share
B. Permission propagation
C. Inheritance
D. Administrative share
Which of the following describes when a child folder has the same permissions as its parent folder?
A. Single sign-on
B. Propagation
C. Administrative share
D. Inheritance
Which of the following UNC paths would be considered an administrative share?
A. \WorkstationD$
B. \WorkstationAdmin
C. \WorkstationD
D. \WorkstationSystem
Which of the following is the correct term for the local platform on which client virtual machines run?
A. Administrative shares
B. Guest OS
C. Cloud
D. Hypervisor