CompTIA Security+ Question B-30

A system administrator has noticed vulnerability on a high impact production server. A recent update was made available by the vendor that addresses the vulnerability but requires a reboot of the system afterwards. Which of the following steps should the system administrator implement to address the vulnerability?

A. Test the update in a lab environment, schedule downtime to install the patch, install the patch and reboot the server and monitor for any changes
B. Test the update in a lab environment, backup the server, schedule downtime to install the patch, install the patch, and monitor for any changes
C. Test the update in a lab environment, backup the server, schedule downtime to install the patch, install the update, reboot the server, and monitor for any changes
D. Backup the server, schedule downtime to install the patch, installs the patch and monitor for any changes

Answer: C

We have an update to apply to fix the vulnerability. The update should be tested first in a lab environment, not on the production server to ensure it doesn’t cause any other problems with the server. After testing the update, we should backup the server to enable us to roll back any changes in the event of any unforeseen problems with the update. The question states that the server will require a reboot. This will result in downtime so you should schedule the downtime before installing the patch. After installing the update, you should monitor the server to ensure it is functioning correctly.